Phantom Power is a podcast series I produce and host. In each episode, I interview established and emerging sound scholars and practitioners, using sound design and music to bring their work to life between your ears.
In part, the show is an experiment in how to do humanities scholarship in sound, using the podcast form to present original research, translate written publications into compelling audio, and generate works useful to scholars and broader audiences alike.

Guests have included Rick Altman, Caroline Bergvall, Lawrence English, Charles Hayward (This Heat), Robin James, Shannon Mattern, Mara Mills, Jacob Smith, Jennifer Stoever, and more. Topics have included the affective politics of EDM, auditory inkblots, the automotive dimensions of chopped and screwed hip hop, the ultrasonic communication of New York rats, radio art, the sonic color line, the sound of silent film, and the voice of Yoko Ono.
Phantom Power was initially funded through a generous startup grant from the Miami University Humanities Center and The National Endowment for the Humanities, as well as the Robert H. and Nancy J. Blayney Endowment.
You can listen and subscribe at or wherever you get your podcasts.